Adding a Teddy Bear is Adding Joy to Your Child! Here’s Why…

Boo Bear
3 min readMay 31, 2021


Being a parent is beautiful yet tricky as it takes a lot of effort to create your flesh and blood into something that has a strong mind and an equally sensitive heart! While you must be implementing many methods to achieve this, one amazing way is to bring in a soft teddy bear in your child’s life. This cute furry thing is more than what you think. It can be a complete therapy and life guide for your children, making them emotionally and mentally balanced. And that is why the giant teddy bear is hitting the sales like never before. Let us get to the reason behind this statement. Stay connected till the end.

They inculcate sensitive human qualities in your kid

A teddy bear is close to your child’s heart and by taking care of their best furry buddy, they inculcate the nurturing qualities within themselves. Love, affection, repentance, compassion, morality, manners, and etiquettes, all are fed within your child by sharing a living with boo bears. They are the best silent teacher that can boost the best emotional health in your child with their soft smilik=ng presence.

They’ll learn to live by themselves

Self-Survival is one of the key lessons that you want to arm your child with and by bringing this soft toy into their lives, you can expose them to handling themselves on their own in a very subtle way. So much so, that in the play, your child will not even realize the lesson it has learned. So, teddy bears work like the best buffer toys for your children that make them aware of the reality of handling things on their own. This also gives you a little sneak time from the parent duty and you can relax a bit!

Develops their cognitive abilities

Teddies can be a great prop that can advance the understanding abilities of your kid because they talk with them the most and by making conversations about their surroundings they can delve into their minds more often. This process puts their brain into processing and they can sharpen them indirectly.

They’ll have the most secured sleep

Kids are generally scared of darkness and if a teddy bear, especially a giant teddy bear is kept next to their bed, they feel safe and secure. Also, the adorability that they get into their fluffy soft furs will give them the best sound sleep ever!

Acts like a practice stage before they hit the finale

The playing, the talking, the canoodling, and sharing of thoughts with a teddy before conversing with the people, in reality, develop the interpersonal skills of your child and they can be amazing speakers and communicators in the near future. Spending time with Teddy is a kind of practice session for your children before they rock the world by speaking not more than is required and uttering the right words at the right time. The art that not everyone gets to master.

Teach them to keep the smile always!

Life is tough and in pandemic times, multiply it by a hundred! But a life-sized bear or a tiny one indirectly feeds your child with the thought of never losing the will and keeping the smile on. There is no denying that with a smile comes peace and the right attitude can never shatter a person, no matter how difficult and sorrowful life’s circumstances become. That said, if your child passes the phases of growth under the smiling shadows of teddies, they will subconsciously delve into this attitude towards life, and what is better than your child bringing smiles on faces!

Summing Up

Knowing the above reason, we are sure you realize the depths of growing with a teddy bear. If you have missed such an opportunity then it is time to bless your child with one. Bring teddy bears into your kids’ life and add jumbo joy!



Boo Bear

Boo Bear Factory: Shop giant, oversized, and life-sized teddy bears from 2ft to 12ft, kitty backpacks. Quality polyester stuffing. Wholesale options available.